Who We Are

We are a body of believers in the Truth of Jesus Christ. The Bible, as God’s holy inspired Word, is our only guide to establishing and maintaining the good works that He has in His plan for us. We know that the only way to have a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ is to read and follow his teachings (John 14:15-18). If we follow Christ’s example and live faithfully, then we are promised forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

We are led by a group of elders who are appointed according to the principles laid out in 1st Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.  These men, by consulting God’s Word, provide oversight to the congregation. Under the elders, our deacons carry out the various ministries of the congregation.

The Bible reveals to us where we come from and how we came to be very clearly. "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth" (Genesis 1:1). The entire creation story in Genesis chapters 1 and 2 tells us about the roots upon which humanity grows. Throughout the Old Testament, we can easily see the pattern of redemption and return to sin, but we also can read how Old Testament prophecies and the Psalms foretell the birth, life, and sacrifice of a Savior (Psalm 16, Isaiah 53:5-12). This savior is Jesus Christ, and he came to be the perfect sacrifice for sin.

In the end, the choice of our eternal fate is in our hands. We can choose either eternal life or eternal destruction, but each comes with requirements. The broad, easy way of the world leads to destruction and it only requires you to ignore the Truth. The way to Salvation and eternal life with God in Heaven is easily within our reach, but difficult to walk. We know that the path to Heaven is not impossible when Jesus tells us: "My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Matthew 11:30). All salvation requires is our choice to obey God’s commandments and to submit to Him through baptism (Matthew 28:18-20). Afterward, we must walk daily with God in our heart and on our mind.

We here at Goodwood Church of Christ are not perfect, but we have accepted that Christ has called us out to speak and teach in His name throughout the world and our community. We are not part of a denominational organization, but instead we are a group of Christians in the body of Christ who meet together to be Christ-centered in our worship and lives. It is our goal to stay true to the Word of God and be the Church outlined in the New Testament according to the pattern set by Jesus Christ.