Instagram @LSUTigersforChrist
Twitter @LSUTigersChrist
Our campus ministries are here to serve our students while they are here for their college years. We are currently a registered organization at LSU and are working to become registered at Southern as well. Even though we have some distance between us and Southeastern, we also work to serve our students there and on campus at BRCC.
Sunday evenings during the school year we host a devo and game night.
Wednesday evenings during the school year we have a meal before our midweek Bible class.
Tailgate activities are held during the football season.
A minister or deacon is frequently available on campus for coffee, lunch, prayer or conversation.
We are always open to helping our students and their friends who are seeking answers and ways to grow spiritually.
Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions at
Instagram @SUJagsforChrist
Twitter @SUJagsChrist