that we may be

That we may be... There is something about the way God works. It seems that over and over again, God uses the unlikely - unlikely circumstances, unlikely people, unlikely results. He chooses the weak when the strong is the obvious choice. He humbles the proud and exalts the humble. In order for someone to save his life, he must first sacrifice it. Over the next few weeks, let's take a look at a few of these examples.


humbled that we may be exalted

The spiritual discipline of service is all about humility. Considering others above yourself and seeking out their good before your own. Having received an example of such humility on multiple occasions from the Savior, we would be foolish to refuse to acknowledge the presence it should have in our lives.


emptied that we may be filled

The Father’s greatest desire is that his creation would come to him to be filled with his Spirit. He wants us to take advantage of his offering. A life that is lived in the fullness of the Spirit is the life God intended for us. You are invited to the King’s banquet where you will be filled. But in order to be filled, you must first be emptied. I hope you are hungry. Coming to the table of the Lord in any other way is unacceptable.


Broken that we may be whole

Brokenness is, at least to some degree, a natural state of humanity. However, it is a state that we tirelessly attempt to avoid. It seems that we too often believe that allowing our light to shine means that we must present a picture of semi-perfection. But the light of the Gospel is refracted and reflected brightest through brokenness. Let us kneel broken before the cross and allow the power of the blood of Christ to make us whole.