
Philippians has traditionally been known as the book of joy. While it is true that Paul speaks repeatedly about joy and rejoicing, It is quickly evident that Paul's joy is completely dependent on the restoration of relationship and the reconciliation of two sisters. Reconciliation is so heavy on Paul's heart, he is willing to postpone heaven in order to rectify this situation. Self-sacrifice in the emulation of the Savior is the resolution.


Philippians 4; Citizenship and Community

As Paul wraps up the book of Philippians, he comes back to the major emphases he has already spent some time discussing. Citizenship and community, fellowship and reconciliation, and a seemingly supernatural joy, and Christ stands at the center of it all. 


philippians 3:rubbish

Philippians 3 brings us to an odd shift in Paul’s train of thought, his wording, and his demeanor. As we press forward along this path toward a greater understanding of how reconciliation and strife affect the body, Paul offers a different kind of example to the church in Philippi and by extension to us. He offers a negative behavior exemplar. He wants the Christians reading to confront where this path of selfishness leads if gone unchecked.


philippians 2: Most important

Continuing in Philippians, let’s look deeper into Paul’s teaching about progress and joy with Christ at the center of everything. Restoration of the relationship between Euodia and Synteche is never far from Paul’s mind as he teaches the church in Philippi how to deal with such difficult situations. His instruction is timeless as is the importance of true Christian fellowship and restoration.


philippians 1: joy perfected

Last week, as a part of our study in the discipline of celebration, we began a series in Philippians. You don’t have to read long to understand that joy plays a huge role in the letter, but it really isn’t the main thrust of what Paul is trying to get across to the church in Philippi. Paul drills down into personal relationships in the church and talks about fellowship – true Christian fellowship – which must be cultivated intentionally.