
For the next couple of weeks we will consider some aspects in which we should be a little more creative in our way of thinking.



Hebrews 13:2 gives a quick reminder about the importance of hospitality. Is it possible to entertain angels unaware still today? The presence of God is often disguised and not as obvious as we may like for it to be. Let’s look at hospitality today and give it the priority that is taught in the New Testament. May we also gain the wisdom and the awareness to treat all those we encounter with the same measure we would if we knew God was present – not simply because he is present, but out of a realization of what he has done.



This morning we will be in 2 Corinthians 3. At the close of the chapter Paul draws our attention to the glory that is a part of our being as recreated children of God. But unlike Moses, who noticed the glory of God fading veiled his face, the glory that is within us never fades and remains unveiled. Let's look at what it means to be shaped into the image of God.